Find a Job Fast Starter Guide for Moms

Find flexible & family-friendly jobs

Identify your biggest job priorities

Quickly learn to write targeted resumes and cover letters


This Find a Job Fast Starter Guide will allow you to:

  • Achieve better work / life balance
  • Get the kind of flexibility you need in a job
  • Earn money and still be able to spend time with your family
  • Spend less time applying for jobs that aren’t the right fit
  • Set yourself apart from thousands of other applicants by networking your way into your ideal industry or company
  • Leverage your current skills & experience into creating the career you’ve always dreamed of
Our starter guide for moms returning to the workforce has many key features to help you land a job fast
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Here's What You'll Get In the Starter Guide for Moms

  1. Personal Job Search Guide

    You can evaluate how well your most important job-related “must haves” are reflected in the positions you apply for so you land a job that’s a great fit!

    Strengths & Passion Brainstorm

    Finding a job that is congruent with your biggest strengths and passions will greatly increase your chances of being happy and fulfilled in your career.

    Work Priorities Checklist

    Determine your biggest career must have’s, like income, job type, work environment, and flexibility.

    Essential Items to Consider Guide When Job Hunting

    Set your goals & timeline for finding a job and learn how to kick low-self esteem and mom guilt to the curb!

    Step One: Self Reflect
  2. Job Search Resources

    Use these vetted job search sites developed specifically for parents so you can guarantee you’ll land a flexible job at a family-friendly company.

    Networking Tips

    Roughly 80% of jobs today are filled through networking! So if you’re only using traditional methods (i.e. applying for advertised jobs), you’re significantly decreasing your chances of landing an interview.

    Step two: Research
  3. Learn Resume Secrets for Success

    Learn how to combat common resume roadblocks like employment gaps, age bias, and overqualification.

    Learn How to Write Resume Accomplishment Statements

    This step by step guide will help you quickly and successfully market your biggest strengths and achievements so you stand out from the crowd.

    Learn to Use Resume Action Verbs

    Write powerful, results-oriented statements on your resume using this resource with 100+ action verbs broken down by industry.

    Step Three: Apply Your Knowledge
  4. Resume Template for Moms Returning to Work

    Never worry about your employment gap or time away from the paid workforce again! Honor your stay-at-home-mom experience with our custom resume template just for moms!

    Resume Skills for Moms

    Translate mom skills to job skills quickly and easily with our mom skills worksheet

    Cover Letter Template

    Take the pain and stress out of writing your cover letter. With plenty of writing prompts to guide you along, you can craft a targeted letter that will grab a hiring manager’s attention.

    Thank You Letter

    Set yourself apart from thousands of other applicants by crafting a detailed thank you note.

    Reference Letter

    When it comes time to send your references you’ll be ready with our matching references template.

    special bonus #1: ATS-friendly resume and cover letter templates
  5. Daily, Weekly, & Monthly To Do Lists

    Stay motivated and eliminate the overwhelm of a career change or job search by tracking your goals on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

    Interview Tracker

    Track important interview information, like follow-ups, next steps, and contact information.

    Special Bonus: Printable To-do Lists

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