Category: Career Discrimination
Learn about the issues surrounding age and career discrimination and how to protect yourself in the workplace. Our articles provide valuable information and resources on these important topics.
The #1 Thing to Do to Avoid Age Discrimination in Your Job Search
As if turning 40 isn't fun enough, now you get to start worrying about age discrimination in your job search. If you thought that colonoscopies, mammograms, and crown replacements were fun, wait until you join the party of applying for jobs while being considered an "older worker."I'm not writing this to depress anyone. But let's…
Three Simple Resume Tricks to Avoid Age Discrimination!
I wish I could say that age discrimination in hiring does not exist. Now that I'm in my 40's (gulp), this is a topic that affects me personally. I can tell you both as a career coach as well as a recent job seeker that it matters what you put (and don't put) on your…